Francis Xavier Major Seminary

Rumah Tiga, Ambon District, Ambon City, Maluku

Rumah Tiga, Ambon District, Ambon City, Maluku
Phone number
Seminari Tinggi St. Fransiskus Xaverius - Ambon.

Our Community

Our Routine and Services


Scheduled daily routine activities.


Major Courses

Church Canon Law
Church Canon Law

Church Canon Law Course


Holy Bible course

Church History
Church History

Church History course


Programming Courses


What Leader are say

Mgr. Seno Ngutra

"Congratulations and congratulations to RD. Alex, the Staff and Fratres for this digital media of the major seminary. Hopefully this media will encourage all communities to pour out their ideas in digital media and be useful for anyone who reads it.. Thank you!"

Mgr. Seno Ngutra Bishop of the Diocese of Amboina
RD. Alex Lesomar

"We would like to express our gratitude to all staff and brothers who have made this digital media a success. Hopefully, this media will spur us to realize digitalization at the Saint Francis Xavier Seminary of Poka-Ambon. God bless us all in our respective duties and ministries.. Thank you!"

RD. Alex Lesomar Rector of the Francis Xavier Major Seminary
RD. Agustinus Arbol

"As the Chairman of the Amboina Diocese Education Foundation, I would like to congratulate RD. Alex, the staff and brothers on the launching of the website of the Saint Francis Xaverius Poka Major Seminary. May our education continue to advance.. Thank you!"

RD. Agustinus Arbol Chairman of the Education Foundation

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